Community students filed into the main entrance of Clague Middle School, laughing and preparing their middle school presentations. Middle schoolers...
Imagine a program where any student who attends Ann Arbor Public Schools (AAPS) has free access to rowing, regardless of their country club status,...
At 3:45 on December 17th, students eagerly hurried into the craft theater for the mass meeting of CET’s winter musical, “Curtains,”...
People run around backstage, tutus scraping against the wall, the sound of pointe shoes tapping on the floor, the smell of hairspray and bright...
As soon as it was 11:30 AM on December 11th, the third floor of Community High School came to life with the savory scent of fried chicken,...
Community High School recently held a series of training sessions to prepare high school students for their upcoming middle school outreach...
The Michigan Wolverines and Ohio State Buckeyes share one of the most intense rivalries in college football, a tradition that spans over a century....
On Nov. 26, 2024, Community High School met at St. Andrews Episcopal Church for the final ceremony of their yearly Food Gatherers fundraiser....
This year, Tracy Anderson, the journalism teacher at CHS for over 20 years, and Hannah Crabtree, a newer art teacher hoping to get more involved...