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The Communicator

  • March 22The Communicator will not be posting during Ann Arbor Public Schools’ spring break, March 24-28.

The Communicator

The Communicator

Andrea Schnell

Andrea Schnell, Journalist

Andrea Schnell is a senior at Community High School and this is her third semester on the Communicator staff. After taking a short hiatus she fortunately decided to come back!

When Andrea is not in school she is working on theatre. She is the president of Community Ensemble Theatre (CET), assistant directing CET’s fall show Love and Information, and will be playing Shirley in CET spring musical, “Disaster!”. Theatre is her passion and she hopes to further pursue it and education in college.

Art imitates life; how is an actor to properly do their job if they do not know the world around them? This year, Schnell hopes to use her work as a journalist, interacting with the world, to inform her work in theatre.

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Andrea Schnell