News Summary for Wednesday, November 11th, 2015: Veteran’s Day



The New York Times

The New York Times chronicles a Kurdish governed part of Syria; a region controlled neither by ISIS or the Assad regime. The people residing there are struggling to rebuild something resembling a functioning administration over the area, and the article discusses the influence of Kurdish militias in the region.

The Los Angeles Times

A potentially life-sustaining planet has been found 39 light years away from Earth. Covered by the LA Times, the original scientific findings were published in the journal Nature. The find is exciting, and the closest planet to Earth that may be able to house other life forms. Scientists stressed, however, that the life forms would be very different from Earth’s because of the new planet’s size and orbital differences.



National Geographic

National Geographic stuns once again, this time showcasing rare World War II photos. The collection is displayed to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of the War, and is quite fitting as it is Veterans’ Day.

The Guardian

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson promised to protect religious objectors to same-sex marriage if elected president. The candidate, speaking to Liberty University in Virginia, denounced the theory of evolution and the big bang to cheering crowds at the Christian university.




A local group called Veterans for Peace erected 229 white crosses in Veterans’ Memorial Park (Vets’) on Wednesday (Veterans’ Day, Remembrance Day), honoring the 229 Michigan soldiers who died in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.