Submit to Free Verse
Submit to Free Verse!
Free Verse is a student run magazine that has been published for around 20 years. They are looking for a variety of different submissions from students including poems, illustrations, photographs, short stories, short plays and other types of art.
Senior Eve Zikmund-Fisher and freshman Aris Chalin are two of the editors for this year’s publication. “We come together and we pick what is going to actually go into Free Verse through blind processing,” Zikmund-Fisher said. “So we look at everything without the names of the people who submitted on them.” The editors are also responsible for every other step of putting the magazine together after choosing submissions. They are even responsible for getting it to the printer.
Chalin, who has submitted one of his poems and a couple of his short stories, says that this publication is important because it gives students the responsibility to create a magazine as well as an outlet for their own creativity.

Free Verse Editors Aris Chalin and Eve Zikmund-Fisher.
Free Verse is unique from other school publications and newspapers because it may be the only chance that students get to display their writing and artwork. “It is important to give students their own voice,” Zikmund Fisher said. “There aren’t a lot of places that are interested in student work in the general community; usually you have to wait until you are an adult. This is a way to say, ‘Look, someone else has already looked at my work and decided to publish it.’ People buy this and read it, so it’s not something that’s never going to see the light of day.”
Free Verse editors have extended submission deadline from Mar. 24 to Mar. 30. Hard copy submissions can be turned into Ken McGraw’s room 304 and online submissions can be e-mailed to