Service Club’s Plan for the Upcoming Year
New and old members flowed into room 213 for their second meeting of the year. Service Club, a club that does volunteer work throughout the school year, welcomes everyone at Community High School. Although there weren’t as many people that signed up at the Club Fair the week before, the meeting was a success. Donuts, cookies, and popcorn sat on the bright blue table as the students demolished them. The participants took turns introducing themselves and answering a silly ice-breaker question: if you could grow anything on a tree, what would you grow? After everyone had shared their answer, they got to work.
In previous years, the club has volunteered at places such as the Delonis Center and a church in Detroit that makes and serves food to the homeless. The participants were excited about their work to do this upcoming school year. Juliette Nanos, one of the club leaders, asked the members to give ideas on volunteer work to potentially partake in. One idea that arose was raising money or hosting a clothing drive for hurricane relief. The recent category four hurricanes have caused great destruction to many islands; service club wants to help. “Hopefully this year we will do another movie night and raise money for the hurricane relief,” Nanos said. They thought of some organizations that they could possibly donate to: Red Cross and/or GoFundMe. They finally settled on a movie night which will raise money and awareness for the destruction of the hurricanes.
Last year, Service Club put on a movie night for current Community High School students and their families, teachers, and the incoming freshman. The event raised over $300 for the organization “Doctors Without Borders,” an organization that aids diseased communities. Quality 16, a local movie theater, donated popcorn and snacks to the event. Students got comfy on the floor with blankets as Moana was screened in the Craft Theatre. “I think this club has tied together Community a little bit more than it had a few years ago because we really got the school involved,” Nanos said. “Community is a school that is accepting and ties the community together.” She is excited to see what the club does this year, to give back to the community, and to get more people from the school involved in helping out.