Lint Kids
After performing with their original teacher, Erez Levin, for the last time at Ann Arbor’s iconic Blind Pig in June, the Lint Kids packed up for the summer, then recently returned to practice at Ann Arbor Music Center with new band leader Ryan McCulloch — a multi-instrument instructor at the Music Center. All original members returned, with new techniques and improvements from the 3-month absence from group practice.“I’m really excited to be back!” said Pioneer Sophomore Sophie Svidnik, the band’s bass player.
The band consists of vocalist Evan Ash, guitarist Trevor Finnegan, bassist Sophie Svinicki, and drummer Jakob Lorenc, all in the 9th grade or 10th grade.
With a new practice studio and new soundboards, the technical side of producing music is being emphasized by McCulloch, who believes it’s important for kids to know how to control amps and plugs.
The band has jumped right into two new songs, “My Iron Lung” by Radiohead, and “She’s Kerosene” by The Interrupters, and haven’t made final decisions for the next show dates.
The band meets every Sunday afternoon, and has made good progress on the songs. They have started to discuss more possible songs that will showcase each member’s individual talent, and will incorporate everyone in vocals, something the band hasn’t done before.
It is an experimental period for the band, and new content should be coming soon.