Seniors Prep for the Spork Game
Community High School seniors were busy preparing for the start of the 21-22 Spork Game the morning before kick-off. Henry Holcomb has been carrying his spork around before the game commences to get in the “killer mindset” and practice. He plans to check bathroom stalls to avoid sporking while staying hygienic.
“You gotta check the bathroom stalls first, then you can put your spork down, have it close, but you can put it down and wash your hands and do all your business,” Holcomb said. “Got to stay hygienic while you’re murdering.”

Carolina Andrews is a co-organizer of the spork game, along with Mira Schwarz. They started a CHS seniors Instagram account when they noticed a lack of organization around senior end-of-year traditions. Andrews believes it was important to continue the spork game because it is a tradition she and many seniors have looked forward to since freshman year.
“I think it’s weird that our group of seniors are the only people that have experienced a normal year and the only people that have actually seen the spork game,” Andrews said. “My cousin went to Community and when I was in elementary school, I was like, ‘Oh, my God, this is so weird. Like, why is he doing this [the spork game]? It’s such a weird high school thing’, but it’s fun, it’s tradition.”
Andrews has recorded 61 out of more than 100 seniors signed up on the final day to purchase sporks. She hopes more will sign up but isn’t worried.
“It’s more fun the more people do it, but I think you can play it with however many people,” Andrews said. “So, it’s up to whoever wants to join.”

Andrews herself is also planning on playing. Similar to Holcomb, she has been walking around the halls carrying a pen to accustom herself to carrying a spork. She also plans to decorate her spork but hasn’t been able to find inspiration.
“I wish I could make a Pinterest board for inspiration but no one else does this,” Andrews said. “You can’t google ‘spork decorations’ because that’s weird.”
Harrison Brown hopes to avoid being sporked but believes he will quickly get out by accidentally dropping his spork. His strategy is not to t draw attention.
“The strategy is to not spork anyone because I don’t want to make myself a target,” Brown said.
Brown is most nervous about being sporked at lunch because he doesn’t trust his friends not to spork him.
“The answer I’m supposed to give is no,” Brown said when asked if being sporked by a friend would affect their friendship. “And the answer that I feel is true is yes.”