Forum Council meets on Dec. 1
The CHS Forum Council poses in Ryan Silvester’s room following their Dec. 1. meeting. The council is made up of two representatives from each forum and led by Co-Presidents Matthew Castilho and Zoe Simmons, Vice President Sam Cao and Advisor Ryan Silvester.
Should we use the PA system for non-essential announcements? How do we make forums more connected? Can we make forum bulletin easier to navigate? These are some of the issues that Forum Council discussed at their meeting on Dec. 1.
Historically, the PA system has only been used as a quick and easy way to contact the entire school regarding essential announcements. However, as Arista Luong, Forum Council Treasurer pointed out, due to the open campus policy at CHS, not all students can be expected to hear these announcements over the PA system. She believes that technology should be utilized instead, with mass emails being sent out for every announcement.
Additionally, the council discussed how to make forum bulletin best fit the needs of students, while still getting out important school and scheduling information. Before it became the google slideshow students are used to reading every Tuesday and Thursday, the bulletin was printed out and hand-delivered to forums as a packet for them to read through together. Now, forum council is exploring ways to streamline the process even further.
“The Communicator has this broadcasting ability,” said Ryan Silvester, CHS teacher and Forum Council Advisor. “They’ve got the technology [so] maybe there is a way we could incorporate that and share news through different media.”
The council discussed alternative options as well, such as posting special opportunities and club information on a physical bulletin board on the third floor instead of at the end of the slideshows. This would shorten the bulletin slideshow, and give forums more time for games, competitions and other activities. Silvester and the council believe that even a little extra time for these activities could mean a significant improvement in the forum culture at CHS. Additionally, they are considering holding a week or month-long forum competition, where forums would gain points for attendance, reading through the forum bulletin, meeting outside of school and other types of bonding activities. And of course, a prize would be awarded at the end for the winning forum.
“We are trying to…bring back some of the culture that we feel might be missing since the pandemic,” Silvester said. “A cool way to do that is by getting people excited and competing. We see it in Field Day, [and] we see it when raising money for Food Gatherers — whenever there’s a way to compete, it brings people together automatically.”
Meanwhile, the council is looking forward to their annual presidential elections. For the first time, they are implementing a president-elect system as a way of training the incumbent Forum Council Presidents. By holding the elections before the second semester, the incumbents will be able to understand the leadership position and process. Then in the fall, they’ll be able to “hit the ground running,” as Silvester puts it.