CHS Students on Spring Break
As summer approaches, CHS students reflect back on their experiences from spring break. CHS students spent their spring break differently: some spent time at home and relaxed, while others left town.
“I went to Maryland Towson last Thursday,” said CHS Sophomore, Henry Busse. “It was halfway through spring break, and I visited my grandparents. We had a lot of fun time together in Maryland, [and] I had dinner together with them.”
“I had crew practice over the spring break,” Busse said. “We had only eight people at practice, so we got on one boat. The boat is really unstable and bad because it was mixed with different people that don’t usually practice together in one boat. But I had a lot of fun at crew practice and spent time watching the TV show ‘The Office’ when I had nothing to do.“
CHS Sophomore, Keenan Cooke, took spring break as an opportunity to exercise and get stronger.
“I [went] to the gym almost every day during spring break,” Cooke said. “I spent almost two hours every day in the gym. I just worked out in the gym, focused on the grind, and got stronger when spring break was over.”
Other than working out, Cooke spent his time with his friends and relatives during spring break.
“So I visited my grandma in Saline,” Cooke said, “I helped her to put up a shelf and our family had dinner together. My friends and I hung out last Saturday. It was just the eight of us, we were eating pizzas, playing basketball.”
While many CHS students spent time in the country, there were also some CHS who visited other parts of the world during spring break.
“I had a fun time in Europe,” said CHS Freshman, Jonah Makdonald. “I took a trip to Germany and the Czech Republic with my orchestra band. We stayed in hotels, enjoyed some local foods, and performed concerts in two countries. We played in Grosse Sendesaal RBB Berlin and the Congress Center Leipzig.”
Makdonald especially remembered the songs they performed in concerts.
“We played “Spanish Dance” by Shostakovich and “Adoration” by Florence Price,” Makdonald said. “We had a lot of fun there performing and touring. After taking a one week break from school, I am super looking forward to the new quarter.”
As quarter three started last week, spring break provided an opportunity for CHS students to relax from schoolwork and go on vacations. When it came to the end, CHS students believed that spring break was a precious time for them.
“I feel like [spring break] gave me a chance to relax and have a good time with my family and friends,” Cooke said, “So yeah, spring break was great for me.”