Yearbook Staff Distribute the Midnight Sun
The Midnight Sun put smiles across the faces of CHS students during lunch on Friday, May 19. After capturing life at CHS for the 2022-23 school year, the Midnight Sun staff distributed yearbooks. CHS students were handed their yearbooks along with complementary candy.
Cecilia Fortson, CHS student, was very excited to receive her yearbook.
“At first glance, I noticed all the colors and textures,” Fortson said. “I love that our school can do things differently with our yearbook than other schools. I’m so excited to see pictures of what students have been up to throughout the year. I love receiving yearbooks at the end of the year because it’s a super cool way to recap what we did at school.”
Marisa Andoni-Savas was also excited to pick up her yearbook and look through each page.
“I honestly didn’t know that I ordered [a yearbook] but I think my mom did for me, which is so sweet,” Andoni-Savas said. “I am really pumped to look through the book. I feel that looking through the yearbook is so surreal, just seeing yourself and your friends.”
For Daniel Ging, a Midnight Sun staff member, yearbook distribution went well despite all of the stress that came along with giving out that many books during a single lunch period.
“When I opened my first box and took out a yearbook, the book was upside down,” Ging said. “I thought that they all were going to be printed like that, so I had a mini heart attack.”