“Every Friday night, my family and I have what’s called Shabbat dinner, which is a Jewish holiday or meal that symbolizes the end of the week and the beginning of a new one. Every Friday night we have a meal with the whole family and we sit down at the table. It gives us a chance to talk with each other and get to talk about our week. And we have salmon and traditional Jewish bread called Challah and juice and say blessings. And it’s something that I’ve been doing since I was born, so it’s something that’s very traditional. That’s what comes to mind. It means a lot because I get to connect with my family and connect with my Jewish identity more. I guess I relate more to that. I really hope to continue it when I’m older, like if I had children and stuff with them because it’s something that I think is important.”
Memories About Food: Mia Rubenstein
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About the Contributors

Luca Hinesman, Web Editor-in-Chief
Luca Hinesman is a junior at Community High School, and this is his second year on staff! He’s apart of practically everything offered at CHS, including CET, Mock Trial, Wes Anderson Clurb and the best forum, the Stern forum. When he isn’t busy doing his countless extracurriculars, buying lots of pick-me-up sweet treats and doing calculus homework, he loves to watch movies, read books about insufferable characters and hang out with his buddies. Luca is so excited to help guide The Communicator this year as a Web Editor-in-Chief!

Marisa Andoni-Savas, Staff Manager/Journalist
Marisa is a Senior at CHS entering her second year on staff and her first year as Staff Manager. She is excited to be back in room 300 witnessing all the magic that will happen this year! Outside of school she loves spending time with her friends, lifeguarding, and going to rehearsals!