The Communicator

The Communicator

The Communicator

CET’s End of the Year Banquet – 2024

Subtitle: “I love the community at CET and I’ve had so much fun this year” – Lucy Lowenschuss 


While another school year comes to a close, celebration of what was and what’s going to be begins. On May 22, 2024, . Community Ensemble Theater [CET] gathered on the front lawn of CHS for their annual banquet. 

Tables lined the pavement in front of CHS, filled with food brought by members of CET, and the grass was taken over by picnic blankets as the current and upcoming student board filed in a line in front of it all. The board acts as an essential part of CET through their weekly meetings to discuss the fundamentals and community of the company. 

Elections for the new board were held two weeks prior to the banquet on May 15. The candidates were asked to prepare a 30-second speech to share with the attendees. There are five positions on the board: underclassman representative, merchandise manager, publicity, secretary, and president. Each is determined by members of CET present during the speeches, using a ranked vote system. 

“It was nerve-wracking speaking in front of everyone, but also the community is so nice and everyone’s really supportive. So you know, no matter what happens, that it will be okay.” Lucy Lowenschuss, an upcoming underclassman representative, said. 

Every member has a unique and important role in the functioning of CET. The board has weekly meetings during the school year, discussing things ranging from bonding activities to strategies to strengthen the company. 

Just Desserts, being the last show of CET season, still never truly feels like the end until the banquet. This celebration during the last few weeks of school gives people the chance to see the seniors who have already ended classes and really gives us another opportunity to say our final goodbyes. For some, it’s really exciting, yet for many, it’s a very bittersweet moment. 

“I don’t mind public speaking too much, but it’s a little scary. I also think it’s scary to have people choose if they want you in a position or not. Even still, I’m looking forward to it and am very excited.” Eliza Braunschneider said. 

Each senior of CET made a speech, showing their gratitude for CET. Then, CET members and the board burst out to say their goodbyes to everyone. Signing yearbooks, taking photos, and hugging goodbye. Closing one door and opening the next can be a very daunting thing, but the CET family is always there to comfort you.  

“I’m just so excited for next year, and I really love everyone on this board. And I think that we’re going to be doing some really great things,” said Mallory Towers.

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About the Contributor
Ionie Steudle
Ionie Steudle, Journalist
Ionie Steudle is a Junior at Community High School and this is her first semester on the yearbook staff. She enjoys sewing new clothes out of old ones, doing theater, talking to friends, ripping her closet apart to try to find an outfit to wear, and playing the guitar. She is also very fond of any and all animals (so keep your pets hidden…). Ionie can not wait for the weather to start changing, and finally be able to drink hot coffee

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