Tears were shed, laughs were shared and hugs and congratulations were exchanged on June fifth, when the class of 2012 said goodbye to Community High School. Family, friends, teachers, administrators, students and graduates gathered in Rackham Auditorium for three hours to honor the graduates. Community’s graduation is very different from traditional graduation ceremonies held at most schools. Every student had thirty seconds to talk about anything they chose. Most graduates took their time to talk about what Community meant to them. Many thanked their teachers and peers for making Community what it is today.
Listen to CHS students give their graduation speeches
There were several awards given to exceptional students. They are as followed.
The Morse B. Barker Memorial Fund was awarded to Corey Fellabaum, Karl Piper.
The Jill Award was awarded to Hind A. Omar.
The Community Resources Award was awarded to Hind A. Omar.
The Suzanne Ruth Springer Scholarship Award was awarded to Alia Persico-Shammas.
The Nathan Lyndell Hall Memorial Scholarship Clare Lauer.
The Bruce Bartman Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Shadi Ahmadmehrabi.
There were several performances throughout the night. Watch videos of them below.
“Before You Go” Performed by “Scraw Macgraw”
“Before You Go” Performed by “Scraw Macgraw” from The Communicator on Vimeo.
“Born This Way” Performed by Clare Lauer, Murphy Austin, Carlina Maria Paull-Baird and Kerry Fingerle
born this way graduation 2012 from The Communicator on Vimeo.
“Just Friends” Performed by “Ryan & Them”
2012 graduation performance “Ryan from The Communicator on Vimeo.