Exhibits in Liberty Plaza Add to Ann Arbor’s Artistic Environment (Photos)


In this pavilion, the artist Chazz Miller uses the American flag to represent diversity within the United States. People are encouraged to finger-paint butterflies and sign their names on this piece. Some of the butterflies surrounding it have also been decorated by the public. Miller hoped to include a lot of participation in this structure.



Miller displays his vision for a public mural in Detroit. This soon-to-be mural will illustrate how people arrived in Detroit. Inside the panels, will show who and what put Detroit on the map. One unique thing about this mural, is that the people in the windows of the train will be comprised of 1,000,000 selfies.


POP-X butterflies

Miller encourages the public to create their own butterflies. Here shows the beautiful butterflies created by the public drying in the sun. His vision is to spread the people’s creations all around Michigan.


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Brenda Oelbaum sits and embroiders numbers onto black velvet bags. She encourages the public to write and place their problems into the bags, as well as allow them to read the problems of others. She hopes that this project will give the participants a sense of relief from doing this.



the picnic

This pavilion was created by the Ann Arbor Women Artists (AAWA.) It was inspired by Judy Chicago’s installation of “the Dinner Party.” The Name of this pavilion is The Picnic, it displays paper mache and glass-blown bugs, plants, and food. They used art nouveau to capture the atmosphere that picnics usually have.