Prospective CHS students and their families crowded into the Craft Theater on Feb. 3 to learn about everything CHS has to offer and to decide whether or not it’s the place where they want to spend their high school careers. CHS offers this prospective student event to show what the school has to give. Current CHS students share their high school experience and teachers share what makes CHS different from the other AAPS high schools.
The Event was held in two locations in CHS, the Craft Theater and the Library. The incoming class and their families were split into two groups, half going into the Library and the other going into the Craft Theater. In the Craft Theater Dean Marci, Dean Rebecca, Kelly Meveal, and Brian Williams shared information about CHS, some of this information includes CRs, CHS class schedule, transportation, the jazz program, open campus and lunch, AP classes, counselors and support. In the Library teachers of CHS, including Laurel Landrum, Michelle Yager, Kevin Starkey, and Emma Hamstra, talked about each of their classes and what they have to offer.
A large portion of the event was dedicated to the current CHS students speaking to the prospective students and their families. They talked about their experiences throughout their years in high school. A few main points that they highlighted were the Communicator, Clubs, CRs, and Forum.
“I would hope that after listening to me and other students they are encouraged to apply and to come here,” said Lucia Page Sander, a student speaker at the event.
During the event Page Sander talked about The Communicator. She shared how The Communicator has been a huge part of her high school experience.
“It was these prospective student events that convinced me to come to Community High School and I feel like it impacted me really positively,” Page Sander said. “If I can convince other eighth graders like me who maybe didn’t expect that they would go to school here and they do end up coming to school here then that would be cool.”
After the teachers, students, counselors, and Deans were done speaking, each teacher went out into the hallway by their select table. The tables had many resources and information, each teacher stood next to their table and helped out any families that had questions about a certain class.
The event allowed incoming students and their families to gain an understanding of Community High School, and help them with deciding where they are going to spend the next four years of their lives.