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The Communicator

  • March 22The Communicator will not be posting during Ann Arbor Public Schools’ spring break, March 24-28.

The Communicator

The Communicator

Grace Jensen

Grace Jensen, Editor-in-Chief

Grace has an odd love for palm trees which makes it especially unfortunate that she lives in Michigan. She did not know how to spell her middle name (Margaret) for the majority of her lifetime. She spends way too much time at Community High School for Communicator, Mock Trial, and Forum Council. She thinks she is better than people who don’t like spicy food, and people who think they are better than other people.

All content by Grace Jensen
Brett Kilgore blinks and smiles beneath his pie mask.

[Photo] Pieing for a Cause

Isabel Ratner, Editor-in-chief
October 4, 2017
Kiernan Tomtishen

Kiernan Tomtishen

Grace Jensen, Photography Editor
February 24, 2017
Community High students listen to Neutral Zone presenters.

Neutral Zone Hosts Youth Diversity Forum

Grace Jensen, Photography Editor
December 10, 2016
Fantasy Book Recommendations for Fall

Fantasy Book Recommendations for Fall

Grace Jensen, Photography Editor
November 14, 2016
Vassar College

Vassar College

Grace Jensen, Photography Editor
November 3, 2016
From left to right: Jeff Gaynor, Harmony Mitchell, Hunter Van Valkenburgh.

New Faces for AAPS Board of Ed

Grace Jensen, Photography Editor
October 28, 2016
Argo Cascades, taken on Tuesday, March 8th during Steve's advanced photography class. A long shutter speed is what makes the water look so smooth and fluid.

[Photo] Grace Jensen

March 15, 2016
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Grace Jensen